Easy2Swim Blog

Advanced techniques

Common kicking mistakes and how to avoid them!

Common kicking mistakes and how to avoid them! Swimming is a fantastic way to stay active and get a full-body workout, but it requires a lot of attention to detail to do it right. One of the most important aspects

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Advanced techniques

Three ways to reduce drag while swimming

Three ways to reduce drag while swimming Swimming is an excellent way to enhance physical fitness, thanks to the resistance provided by water. However, drag can hinder your performance and slow you down. To reduce drag, you need to focus

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Advanced techniques

How to stay safe and enjoy open water swimming

How to stay safe and enjoy open water swimming Swimming in open water can be a thrilling adventure, but it’s crucial to prioritise safety at all times. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, follow these tips to ensure

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Advanced techniques

How to Turbo Charge your kick

How to turbo charge your kick! As a swimmer, you can think of your freestyle kick like a turbocharged engine. In a 50-meter sprint, every swimmer needs as much acceleration as possible, maximizing the power of the kick all of

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